Frequently asked questions
Below are some questions that I'm frequently asked. If I have missed anything, or you have a question that I haven't answered, please feel free to drop me a message!
Frequently asked questions
How is Reiki given?
You are invited to lie on my therapy bed, fully clothed.
If you would like to, you can lie under a blanket to feel extra comfortable.
With your permission, I will place my hands on you, or above you, and the Reiki energy will flow to you.
If you would prefer to be seated, this can be arranged.
How do you know where to put your hands?
With Usui Reiki, there is a set ‘pattern’ that I will follow, going through the seven chakras, although I will also use my intuition and deviate as I feel appropriate.
Your body will then use this energy as it needs to.
With other types of Reiki, I am guided where to put my hands, and I use my intuition.
What can I expect to feel?
My clients report a range of things, including deep relaxation, heat/warmth, cold/coolness, tingling, feeling full of joy, emotional release, seeing colours, twitching (somatic releases) or simply a feeling of being 'at peace'. There is no ‘right’ thing to feel, and all is welcome. Your body will do exactly what it needs to do at that moment in time.
Is there anything I need to do after my session?
After your session, your body will process the changes in energy that have happened and you may feel relaxed and sleepy, or calm and energised.
Ideally, you need to drink lots of water to help eliminate anything that has have been released, and if possible avoid alcohol the evening of your session (this is purely to help the healing that has happened to settle.)
How many sessions will I need?
This is entirely up to you and totally depends on what you are hoping to achieve. A one-off session can help with an 'in the moment' issue. However if you are looking for support with a specific issue (such as anxiety, depression, cancer treatment etc) or as part of your personal growth, it is beneficial to initially have a couple of weekly sessions, moving on to fortnightly and then monthly sessions to 'keep on top of things'.
I am very much guided by my clients and what they feel is best for them.
Again, there is no right or wrong - just what feels right for you!
Do I need to believe in Reiki for it to work?
No you don't! Reiki energy will support your body, mind and spirit in balancing your energy whether you 'believe' or not. I've had clients come to try Reiki, being somewhat sceptical, but they keep coming back for more so I'm assuming they appreciate the healing Reiki can offer!
Testimonial - Mr C
The first thing that I noticed after my session was how much easier my walking was, almost how we all walk without thinking about the next step, which wasn't the case before I came to see you. Secondly, my overall disposition was raised mentally and spiritually, and I was not expecting this!